"I’m grateful for the growth opportunities that Delhaize Serbia has given me since I started here, and I definitely want to continue on this path."

Marko Radmanović

Sourcing Manager

Sourcing Manager

As Sourcing Manager at Delhaize Serbia – one of the Ahold Delhaize brands – Marko Radmanović has a clear daily goal: to ensure each and every customer finds products they like, at the best prices. “I get a smile on my face when I hear somebody say they always shop at our stores for certain items. I feel responsible for our customers, and nothing makes me happier than knowing that they’re satisfied with the products on our shelves.”  


Marko joined Delhaize Serbia as an intern in 2017. He had just finished his Engineer of Technology degree at the University of Belgrade. “I always loved math, and I was very good at it. But I was also intrigued by the technology behind food and drinks. While interning at Delhaize Serbia, I was introduced to category management. I knew this field was meant for me: it lets me use my knowledge of food and drinks, while also working with numbers all the time. Plus, I love the everyday contact and negotiation with suppliers too. To be able to do this job at the country’s leading retailer in the food and drinks segment is absolutely amazing.”   
In the four years he’s been at Delhaize Serbia, Marko has held a few positions in different categories. “After my internship I was offered a job as an assistant in the fresh meat category – one of the most important categories for retailers. It’s an extremely dynamic area in which you have to stay on top of everything. As in all categories, you need to monitor market developments, the price of raw materials and what competitors are doing extremely closely. If my work ever starts to feel repetitive, I lose interest quickly. Luckily, I have never experienced that at this company. Every day is a different story with different challenges. I absolutely love working in such a dynamic environment.”  

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Giving customers what they want 

Fast forward to his role today: that of Sourcing Manager for milk, dairy products, cheeses and spreads. “It’s effectively two different categories, but as the main ingredient – milk – is the same, it makes sense to combine them. Together with my team, I am responsible for all relevant products found in any of our nearly 500 stores across Delhaize Serbia’s four brands – Maxi, Shop & Go, Tempo and Mega Maxi. It’s my job to make sure we have an assortment of products that meets all our customers’ needs. Whether it’s lactose-free milk, healthy spreads or any other item, it’s my ultimate goal to give customers the right products at the best prices. Knowing I’ve achieved this is definitely one of the most fulfilling parts of my work. It’s amazing to have that kind of impact.”  
The past few years have been turbulent, to say the least. “First, there was COVID, and then just when we seemed to have overcome that, inflation peaked and the price of gas and energy went through the roof. This is challenging for every business, but in our sector, in particular, it’s difficult to keep everything running normally. 

And then there’s negotiating a good price under these circumstances – talk about a challenge! But my team makes me confident that we can overcome any obstacle. We’re a very strong team – a perfect mix of very talented people just starting out on their careers and more experienced people. The newer members of the team are extremely eager to learn and the more experienced team members love to share their experience and knowledge. We’re always pushing each other to do better.  It may be a cliché, but it’s true: everything is easier if you’re part of a great team.” 

The only way is up 

Marko has big ambitions for himself, too.  “I’m grateful for the growth opportunities that Delhaize Serbia has given me since I started here, and I definitely want to continue on this path. In a few years, I hope to become department head, and ultimately, director. I’m not in a rush though; I like to take things step by step. But it’s definitely motivating to have a clear view of where I want to go. There’s just so much to learn at a company like this that’s filled with inspiring role models. I still find myself learning new things every day – through dedicated training and educational programs and also simply because I can ask all of these role models any questions I might have.”  
In such a fast-paced environment during such turbulent times, it can be hard to fully switch off from work. Marko’s one-year-old son, Luka, is certainly a good distraction. “When I get home and see Luka and my wife, I switch into the roles of dad and husband and forget about work almost immediately. Every day I think about how incredibly lucky I am to have them – they’re my biggest source of support. On weekends, I love to spend time with them and take a break from our busy lives. I enjoy hosting family or friends and cooking for them, so my ideal day ends with a full home-cooked dinner with loved ones. It makes me very happy to see everybody enjoying their meals, laughing and chatting with each other.”  

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Name: Marko Radmanović (1991) 

Started working at Ahold Delhaize Serbia: November 2017  

Studied: BA Engineer of Technology (University of Belgrade, 2016)  

Living with: My wife and our son 

Hobbies: Cooking, watching sports (particularly soccer, basketball and Formula 1) and following my favorite teams closely 

Wake me up in the middle of the night for: Nirvana ice cream (ice cream with nuts and caramel) 

Favorite holiday destination: I like going to different places. As long as I’m with the people I love, any destination is great  

Life-changing event: The birth of Luka 

Biggest source of inspiration: My own mistakes (I like to learn from them), and the smart, experienced people around me 

Best advice I’ve ever received: “Whatever you do, always give 100%” 


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