"From the beginning, I felt the freedom to show initiative, propose changes and try new things."

Kristina Milosevic

E-commerce Team Manager

E-commerce Team Manager

She calls joining Delhaize Serbia – a brand in the Ahold Delhaize family – over three years ago “a life-changing moment.” Until then, Kristina Milosevic had worked for the corporate department of a bank. “I was good at my job, but I didn’t enjoy it. Mostly, I missed the freedom to be creative.” After 3.5 years she finally had the courage to make a drastic change and apply at Delhaize Serbia – and now she holds the position of E-commerce Team Manager. “From my first day at Delhaize, I felt instantly happier, more self-confident and back to my positive, old self.” 

Studying economics, Kristina  was surrounded by students who dreamed of working at Delhaize Serbia after graduation. “Aside from being the top retailer in Serbia, Delhaize is known to be a great employer, that gives associates a lot of opportunities to develop and grow professionally. Our university professors constantly encouraged us to apply for internships or jobs at the company. Despite that good advice, after graduation, I began my career at a bank. It was a good position, but I realized it just wasn’t for me. I’m extremely happy I took the leap and joined Delhaize Serbia.”  
Kristina soon discovered that Delhaize’s reputation for unlocking opportunities was indeed true. “From the beginning, I felt the freedom to show initiative, propose changes and try new things. Having that freedom gave me wings to fly. I have those wings to this day, and it still feels like I’m flying. The atmosphere at this company is just amazing; people are really friendly and respectful of each other’s differences. I love how approachable everybody is, and how much you can really learn here.”  

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When colleagues become friends 

After two years at the company’s Monetization department, in May 2021, Kristina moved to the E-commerce department. At that point, the E-commerce team comprised two people: Kristina and the Head of E-commerce, Milana, with whom she had also worked in the Monetization department. “There were many reasons I was excited about the move – having the chance to work with Milana again was definitely one of them. Milana and I get on incredibly well; our energies are very similar. She’s a very inspirational leader and a great role model. In these past three years, she’s also become a good friend.”  

It was also the challenge awaiting her that appealed to Kristina. “The e-commerce part of our business is still relatively small, but there’s huge potential for growth. It’s one of the three key strategic pillars of Delhaize Serbia, so all eyes are on us! Our biggest challenge is to help change our customers’ mindset to a digital one, which isn’t easy. Although e-commerce, loyalty apps and fast delivery services are not as widely used here as they are elsewhere, they are increasing in popularity. We’re driving innovation, not only in our department and the company, but in our whole society. The fact that it is such a challenge makes it extra rewarding.”  

“Every morning, I check our digital sales – the number of orders, average basket value, number of downloads and profitability. It’s extremely uplifting to see the results of our work compared with this time last year. I often find myself dancing in our office after we’ve achieved a great outcome. It’s wonderful to see the tangible impact you have on the business. The fact that there is still so much to gain is a fantastic motivator. I need continuous challenges and goals to reach for, so I can keep dancing!”

Learning and growing together 

Sharing knowledge is key in any company or department. Particularly in e-commerce, different departments can learn so much from each other’s experiences and best practices. “When it comes to driving a digital transformation, many countries are more advanced. Each month, we have a meeting with the international E-commerce teams. Learning from each other’s experiences is very valuable. It’s how we grow – together. Recently, we had a physical two-day event in Greece with all the international E-commerce teams, which was not only incredibly insightful, but also a lot of fun.”  
Being the dedicated type, letting go of work doesn’t come easily to Kristina. “In the back of my mind, I’m always thinking about work; what to do better, and how we can attract new users or outsmart the competition. Good ideas pop up often, even when I’m watching a movie or reading a book. Only when I’m traveling am I able to switch off completely. Visiting new countries and experiencing other cultures is my passion – particularly when it involves a nice, warm climate! I always joke that I was born in the wrong country, with our cold Serbian winters. As soon as summer arrives and temperatures rise, I brighten up. While everybody is seeking refuge in an air-conditioned room, I am outside, soaking up every ray of sunlight.”

“Every morning, I check our digital sales – the number of orders, average basket value, number of downloads and profitability. It’s extremely uplifting to see the results of our work compared with this time last year. I often find myself dancing in our office after we’ve achieved a great outcome. It’s wonderful to see the tangible impact you have on the business. The fact that there is still so much to gain is a fantastic motivator. I need continuous challenges and goals to reach for, so I can keep dancing!”  

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Name: Kristina Milosevic (1990) 

Started working at Delhaize Serbia: June 2019 

Studied: BA Management and Marketing in Trade (University of Belgrade, 2015)

 Living with: My 13-year-old dog, Luna 

Hobbies: Traveling 

Wake me up in the middle of the night: To plan a weekend getaway 

Favorite holiday destination: Barcelona 

Life-changing event: Joining Ahold Delhaize  

Biggest source of inspiration: Successful businesswomen who have children and manage to juggle all the balls 

Best advice I’ve ever received: My father always said the purpose of our lives is to be happy. And he’s right! 

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